It's only a matter of time. (Pause) The government of this country wants to break down every kind of group outside of Big Brother, and they're going to be after every group-- it's a miracle of miracles that they haven't come after us, because we would be the ideal group to come after.
(voice rising)They know we mean it, out of the interest for the survival of our children, They know we mean it for they have no place to go now. (voice returning to normal) We either got to go to some place like Cuba or our Promised Land, which we are going to get out of this conflict between the capitalists and the socialist world, into a free socialist territory in the Third World. (Pause) We have no other alternative, for as of this week, Canada is passing a racial exclusion law that will not allow any Asiatics, Indians or blacks to immigrate in to Canada. From the floor of the Congress, the Parliament, and there is no doubt that it will pass. Now you people, wake up, by God. (Pause) Now I mean it. (Pause) Thank you. (Pause) The Indians in Ottawa are under such oppression in Canada tonight that they are talking- They are contemplating putting -- seriously -- all Indians, all people of color, black, in-- in membership in the NAACP, into detention centers, in Canada. It's already in England. England has gone to pieces. Read today's Chronicle. England is without morale, it said. It's-- out-- without morale, it's without moral fervor, it's without principle. The country's about to divide. Scotland's about to secede from Great Britain, it been with them for thousands of-- hundreds of years. The Irish, of course, are killing the Irish. As I've told you repeatedly, we must stick together for survival.
They want the poor to start a war amongst themselves. Because with this mass production, they don't need poor workers anymore. So they want to do away with a lot of the poor people, and there's no better way to do away with them than to start a race war between black and poor whites, and that will kill them off, just like they killed them off in Vietnam, for a long time. (Self-evident tone) They killed us all off in Vietnam. Thirty-seven percent of our people that died over there were black, yet only 10% of the population is supposed to be black. (Pause) You say, I didn't come here to hear about that-- No. You came here thinking this was another church, some of you. You thought you'd be lied to, just like your preachers lied to you. I've come to save you. I've come to save you, not from sin, but from the sinners, (cries out) the honkies that have sinned against you.
(voice normalising)Conditions are bad, you cannot even get the plight of the black man's job situation into the newspaper. We're gonna have to get some of these newspapers, get control of them, because most black papers are actually owned by white people and fronted by black people, and you can't even get what's going on, the starvation, the-- the joblessness, the terror that's happening to black people, the-- the experimentation that's being done on them in prisons already, you cannot get it into the newspaper, because they won't print it. Even the Washington Post, which is suppo-- supposedly the best paper in the nation, would not even print the findings of the terror of what's happening to black and Indian people and poor white people in this country. Wouldn't even print it.
(Pause) 'Cause it'll come to fascism here. They're gonna put us in concentration camps. We gotta do something. There's nothing we can do, but get ourselves together to make a demonstration for the revolution, to be quiet and keep ourselves in limbo, or get ourselves to the Promised Land for training, or get somewhere. There is nothing for us to do. The people are asleep. Just like they are in this room, they are asleep. They don't give a damn, racism is at the heart of this nation, and the moment we have much more joblessness, it will not be safe for you to walk from your store, as a black American, or a person who associates with people of color, it will not be safe for you to go from your store to your home. (Pause) When they've got to have the National Guard in the city of Boston, the seat of democracy, where the Plymouth Rock-- (Pause) All those lovely Puritans settled, because they wanted freedom for everyone, and now the very place that started freedom for everyone makes it unsafe for black people-- they said tonight over the news, not a black person's safe in South Boston. They don't even go into South Boston. It's not safe. (Pause) And you've seen nothing yet. So if-- for that reason alone should be why we're here. But it isn't.

(The Jonestown Reenactment wishes to credit Rebecca Moore and Fielding M. McGehee III for transcriptions of many of the segments used here.)